We conduct the largest selection trials in the UK. This enables Tozer to supply an extensive range of varieties suitable for Northern European climates.
The earliest of all the Super Sweets, this sweetcorn produces long cobs with 14 rows of grain.PRODUCT SHEET
Northern Extra Sweet F1
A breakthrough in early, high quality super sweet sweetcorn. A first early with high row count of small grains, good tip fill and cover. This variety produces very attractive cobs with excellent eye appeal.PRODUCT SHEETEarlibird F1
Large cobbed early mid-season variety which has exceptional vigour. Very consistent performer.PRODUCT SHEETOvation F1
A mid-season, sh2 variety, with a clean and tidy plant habit along with excellent husk and tip protection; this variety is sure to standout whether being sold in the husk or as pre-packed cobs. Goldcrest will impress with its improved flavour and resistance to lodging compared to Seville.PRODUCT SHEETGoldcrest F1
Early Extra-Tender variety with excellent extra-tender flavour and eating quality. Recommended for farm shop and farmers market sales.PRODUCT SHEETSwift F1